Serenity Spa

A Facial and Waxing Studio

Serenity Spa, in Traverse City, MI - Amazing results-driven facials with an experienced aesthetician. Specializing in anti-aging facials, dermaplane, peels, firming nano needling and the best body waxing in town!

We are no longer requiring mask wearing of anyone!!

But be assured we are continuing our vigilant cleaning and sanitizing!!

Tonya & Bell

5/3/21: It has come to our attention that Covid 19 Vaccinations MAY (it will not happen to all) make your skin more sensitive to waxing. It has been noticed 3-4 months post injection. Could be longer, no way to know. And this has been seen in people who have been waxing for years with no other changes in their medications or routines. Sensitives vary.

As always, your comfort and safety are important to us!

Serenity Spa is committed to taking all logical precautions to keep us all safe. By attending your appointment at Serenity Spa you are submitting that you agree to comply with the written instructions below that pertain to you and agree that you are at the spa at your own risk, releasing Serenity Spa from any liability relating to COVID-19.


1.       If you are exhibiting fever, or any other symptoms, or have tested Positive for Covid- kindly cancel your appointment.

2.       If you have been exposed to anyone who has exhibited fever or other symptoms or has tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days – kindly cancel your appointment.

3.       If you have traveled in the last 14 days to a hot spot – kindly cancel your appointment.

4.       (this no longer applies, but you may still wear one, if you choose - updated 7/8/21) I agree to wear my required Face Mask properly over both nose and mouth, when entering the building.

5.       I will come to my spa appointment alone. (No children, friends, etc.)

6.      We ask that you text us only of you arrive at your appointment time and the door is locked. Please do not call or text us if you arrive early and the door is locked. We are either sanitizing or with another customer.   

(Bell 231-620-0483 or Tonya 231-668-6925)

7.       If you wish to purchase any of our products, please email me at I am happy to mail you any purchase. Or, if you prefer to pick something up in person, please make a Product Pick Up Appointment Online.

8.       I understand that Serenity Spa cannot guarantee that the air in the spa is free of Covid-19.

9.   I understand that if I am having services on my face (lip wax, facial, etc.) that I need to remove my mask for those services.  And I, as the customer, take full responsibility for that risk.

10.   Sanitation has always been our highest priority at Serenity Spa, we use hospital grade sanitation between each guest. We are taking special care to sanitize all surfaces between appointments, including, but not limited to counters, door handles, light switches, pens, etc.

11.   There is no Plexiglas at the front desk. When you stand behind the chair at the front desk, we are spaced 6 feet apart. If we had a receptionist who only did that job, we may have boxed her in with Plexiglas.

12.   We use new sheets, blankets, towels and pillow cases for each customer.  (Yes- the laundry! But we don’t mind. We choose that over a plastic and paper covered table. We want to you be able to relax)

13.   If you have any specific questions, please call us. If we missed something, please tell us. We appreciate your support.